How does latitude effect weather?

Graph wind speed vs latitude

It is common knowledge that climate varies based on location. Snow and blizzards occur with more frequency further away from the equator. Hurricanes are almost exclusive to tropical areas near the equator. Of course this is backed up by science; parts of the earth closer to the equator receive more direct sunlight and therefore are hotter and tend to be more humid. This project aims to provide some empirical evidence that backs this theory of climate. Specifically how does temperature, humidity, cloudiness and wind speed change with latitude.

The project uses the Open Weather API to get weather data for 500 random cities across the globe. Then, using pandas all of the data is graphed and analyzed. All of the data was collected on 8/16/2022. The data roughly follows the patterns described above. Select a visualization to read more about the findings. The entire project goes into more in depth analysis using jupyter notebooks.
